
What is it about summer?

What is it about summer? Since it's been a full year plus since my last post, it appears I get the itch to blog annually. This summer seems especially fast paced and like it's flying by. We are getting a pool this summer (my husband's passion project-for real) and I think maybe because we have been looking so forward to that we haven't been living in the moment. I'm not sure but we aren't overbooked running from one activity to the next so I think just everyday life and the immense set of pool expectations are making the days fly by. I'm looking forward to it, but if it were up to me, the blow up pool that violates all of our HOA by laws would be the only pool we have. I have cared for pools in my life and I know that it's not always fun and because of our proximity to local wildlife it's only a matter of time before we have to rescue a rodent, reptile or mammal from the pool. So, while I'm looking forward to the pool I am not looking forward to
So here we are a few months later and no new posts. That cracks me up!! I feel as though I am constantly starting something new and then failing to follow through. It's one of the things that drives me absolutely crazy about myself. I can't be the only person that actually gets on their own nerves, or  can I? Since my last post we went on vacation and as I carried my lightest three year old up three flights of stairs I realized that I have GOT to do something about my weight and my health. I felt light headed and that combined with going from the bright Florida sun to the dark stairwell made me feel as though I might pass out with him in my arms. Terrifying. I joined weight watchers that night and the gym a few weeks later. I had  a great couple weeks food wise and then fell off the wagon. And then tumbled down a hill into a lake. But, I am nothing if not optimistic that this time will be THE time and I am back on the horse as of today. My plan is to flood social media with m

Because I don't have enough going on in my life...

I've started a blog. Why? Why now? Who will my audience be? Will I have an audience? Do I have the time for this? Are blogs even a thing anymore? These are all probably good questions but I don't really have answers for them and I don't have a lot of time to spend thinking about it. What I know is this: I have so much going on in my brain and I feel like I don't have a way to get it all out. I suck at journaling. Always have. always will. Because I have very young children and a career that requires me to interact with people constantly, I feel like all I do is talk, talk, talk, and occasionally yell. I am so sick of the sound of my own voice. Sitting in silence and writing-getting everything that is swirling around in my head out into the world without having to open my mouth again is so incredibly appealing to me right now. So I guess that's the why. The other questions will have to be addressed at a later date. What I do know for sure is this-this blog will be