Because I don't have enough going on in my life...

I've started a blog. Why? Why now? Who will my audience be? Will I have an audience? Do I have the time for this? Are blogs even a thing anymore? These are all probably good questions but I don't really have answers for them and I don't have a lot of time to spend thinking about it. What I know is this: I have so much going on in my brain and I feel like I don't have a way to get it all out. I suck at journaling. Always have. always will. Because I have very young children and a career that requires me to interact with people constantly, I feel like all I do is talk, talk, talk, and occasionally yell. I am so sick of the sound of my own voice. Sitting in silence and writing-getting everything that is swirling around in my head out into the world without having to open my mouth again is so incredibly appealing to me right now. So I guess that's the why. The other questions will have to be addressed at a later date.

What I do know for sure is this-this blog will be a little bit of everything. Knitting, quilting, mom-ing, weight loss journal, therapy, cross stitching, home design, A LOT of opinion, my never ending quest for organization (spoiler: it does not come naturally or easily to me), and crappy photographs.

What it won't be: I won't be posting pictures of my children's faces because I respect their privacy too much. They get to choose what is searchable on the internet someday, not me. I won't be using their real names for that same reason-although let me just say that they and their names are completely adorable and on some level it makes me sad that I can't share their awesomeness with the world. But alas, the world is full of creeps, weirdos, future bullies, future girlfriends/boyfriends and future colleges/employers and it's up to them what they want the world to know about them. Oh man, I am having major facebook guilt right now. Delete it all? That's a question for another day. In the meantime, I've got to revisit those privacy settings. Or as my kids say, "pibacy. I need pibacy." I guess that is one lesson I've successfully taught them?


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